In the Spotlight, HDA's 12th Annual Spring Dance Concert

Join us, the dancers and staff of the Hinsdale Dance Academy, as we celebrate our 12th annual spring dance concert! You are cordially invited to share in this iconic celebration, where we recognize all the different styles, genres, and dancers of HDA. 

From our young children's program to our classical dance academy and junior company, to the sophisticated dancers of our internationally recognized Hinsdale Ballet Theatre, and our fun and exciting elite dance competition team, the Hinsdale Dance Project, you will witness a plethora of incredible dance performances. Experience our award-winning routines from this year, scholarships, and slideshows that commemorate this season. 

Whether you are two or ninety-two, we invite you to join us and celebrate the western suburbs' best dance concert of the season. Professionally produced and managed, this concert is one you won't forget anytime soon!